Professional IT Asset Disposition (ITAD)
Service in Singapore

IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) involves effectively managing the retirement or disposal of outdated or end-of-life IT equipment within an organization in a safe, secure and compliant manner. When your devices like CPUs, laptops, or servers, have served their time, ITAD steps in to ensure a smooth transition.

Arkiva is a NEA licensed, i-SIGMA & ISO certified IT Asset Disposition company based in Singapore, ensuring 100% compliance & security.

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Key Goals of ITAD

In essence, IT Asset Disposition is about retiring old tech with care, considering data security, environmental impact, and potential value recovery. It’s a crucial part of managing your electronics lifecycle responsibly.

Arkiva's NEA & i-SIGMA Certified IT Asset Disposition: Securely Managing Your E-Waste Transition

Arkiva specializes in assisting businesses to securely dispose of outdated or obsolete IT inventory, prioritizing data protection throughout the process.

Consider the following types of IT Assets that your organization might be looking to dispose of: